Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Reason to Celebrate....

I'm tired….

I'm tired of looking at my Twitter feed and seeing another tragedy.  Tired of seeing acts of terrorism not only in the United States, but worldwide.  Tired of growing fearful of a world where I don't feel like my children are safe.  Tired of not having more things to make me smile.  Tired of not having enough things to celebrate.

May the 4th, I'm going to change that and I challenge you to do the same.

Obviously, I am a huge Star Wars fan.  Okay, huge might be an understatement, but that isn't the point here.  Star Wars fans around the world have created a day each year to celebrate all things Star Wars.  That day is May the 4th.

It started as a phrase, "May the 4th Be With You" but has grown into so much more.  You can read about the history of May the 4th on the official Star Wars website by clicking HERE.

Now, fans use the day to celebrate their fandom in their own ways.  Whether it be watching the movies, hanging out with fellow fans or just sporting your favorite Star Wars shirt, May the 4th is celebrated in many different ways.

I'm in the 4th row, 12th from the left....
You may know that I am a Star Wars fan.  You might not know that I have used my fandom to raise money for various charities and causes through that fandom.  

From doing fundraisers while waiting in line for the newest Star Wars films to come out to working with organizations like the 501st, I have tried to take my love of Star Wars and use it to help others.  Over the years, I have helped raise over $50,000 through various event.  This might not seem like much, and it isn't, but it's what I could do.

With the turbulent times we are facing in the world today, here is my challenge to all my friends, especially those who aren't Star Wars fans:  Use this day to do something significant for those you love and care for.  You don't need to be a Star Wars fan to make somebody's day.  You don't need to be a Star Wars fan to help out someone who you have never met.  You just have to be you.  Be a friend, a hero, a Jedi Knight, in anyway that you can.

Yes, that is me and a young fan....
That is what May the 4th means to me.  Doing what YOU can do, however small that act might be.

So if you are reading this, whether you are a Star Wars fan or not, take the time on May 4th to celebrate.  Celebrate the lives we are fortunate to live, the things we are able to enjoy, the people we are able to share that with.  

If you have the means to donate to the victims in Boston or West, Texas, please do so (You can donate to The One Fund Boston by clicking here).  If you don't have the money, donate your time at a shelter or somewhere that could use an extra hand.  Take the time to hug your kids and family.  Take the time to call that person that you haven't spoken with in too long to tell them that you miss them, that you are thinking about them, that you love them.

Don't wait until Christmas to tell your family you love them. Don't wait until Thanksgiving to be grateful for what you have. Don't wait until the 4th of July to celebrate our country.

Take this day, May the 4th, to celebrate life and everything good about it.  Find a reason to celebrate, a reason to embrace happiness and the good in people.  Fight the evil in the world, fight the Dark Side.

May the 4th be with you....

Top image and video courtesy of Lucasfilm